Burette with Glass Key Stopcock/ Rotaflow Stopcock/Ptfe Stopcock

Description :

Burette with Stop Cock

Made of borosilicate glass. With white marking.

Capacity Rotaflow stopcock Glasskey stopcock PTFE stopcock
25ml SC296 SC301 SF383
50ml SC297 SC302 SF384
100ml SC298 SC303 SF385

Capacity Rotaflow stopcock Glasskey stopcock PTFE stopcock
25ml SF386 SF389 SF392
50ml SF387 SF390 SF393
100ml SF388 SF391 SF394
Capacity Rotaflow stopcock Glasskey stopcock PTFE stopcock
25ml SF785 SF788 SF791
50ml SF786 SF789 SF792
100ml SF787 SF790 SF793