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Electronic Plug in Kit

SKU Item Code: SH295 Category

Description :

Additional information

Salient Features

  • Electronic plug-in kit is a comprehensive set of components for performing experiments in Analog and Digital Electronics.
  • The plug-in modules include both passive and active electronic components with contacts formed by 4-mm plugs.
  • The plug-in modules are design in transparent housing for visibility of the component placed.
  • The symbols and name of the component printed on each plug-in module, so student can easily identify.
  • Provide you best quality system with plug-in board and plug-in modules with detail working description.
  • It is a “Do it yourself approach”.
  • Modular system is encourages thinking and learning process while student approach for self-designed circuits.
  • The freedom to experiment is backed up by formal experiment literature.
  • It leads to in-depth knowledge and eventually to the kind of practical skills.
  • It provides you best electrical safety while performing an experiment.

Scope of supply

Cat. No.

Item Name


CB530 AND Gate Module (Single Gate) 2
SEB12 Bridge Rectifier Module 1
CB540 Piezo Buzzer Module 1
SEB14 Capacitor Module 0.01µF 3
SEB72 Capacitor Module 0.047µF 2
SEB15 Capacitor Module 0.1µF 3
SEB16 Capacitor Module 0.47µF 3
SEB73 Capacitor Module 10µF 3
SEB74 Capacitor Module 100µF 1
SEB17 Capacitor Module 1000µF 1
SEB53 Changeover Switch Module 1
C4149 Comp. Module LED & Resistance 1
SEB24 Diode Module 1N4007 1
CB534 Ex-OR Gate Module (Single Gate) 2
SEB26 Inductor Module 30mH 2
SEB75 Inductor Module 60mH 1
SEB27 Inductor Module 225 mH 1
SEB28 JFET Module 1
SEB30 LED Module 1
CB541 Lamp in Holder 1
CB539 Light Sensor (LDR) Module 1
SEB31 MOSFET Module 1
CB531 NAND Gate Module (Single Gate) 1
CB535 NOR Gate Module (Single Gate) 1
CB532 NOT Gate Module (Single Gate) 2
CB533 OR Gate Module (Single Gate) 1
SEB38 Push Button Module 1
Plug-in-board 1
SEC06 Regulator Module LM7805 1
SEB41 Resistor Module 100Ω 1
SEB43 Resistor Module 330Ω 1
SEB46 Resistor Module 1kΩ 2
SEB47 Resistor Module 3.3kΩ 3
SEB76 Resistor Module 4.7kΩ 1
SEB44 Resistor Module 10kΩ 5
SEB45 Resistor Module 15kΩ 2
SEB78 Resistor Module 27kΩ 2
SEB88 Resistor Module 33kΩ 2
SEB79 Resistor Module 75kΩ 1
SEB40 Resistor Module 100kΩ 1
SEB42 Resistor Module 330kΩ 1
SEB80 Resistor Module 470kΩ 1
SEB77 Resistor Module 6.2 kΩ/td> 1
CB542 Reed Switch Module 1
SEC06 Regulator Module 1
SEB53 Switch Module 2
Set of Template sheets 1
CB538 Thermistor Module 1
SEB84 Transistor Module 2N2222 2
SEB86 Transistor Module BC109 2
SEB57 TRIAC Module 1
Sw926 Power Supply 0-20V, 1A 2
CB536 Variable Resistor 1kΩ 1
CB537 Variable Resistor 10kΩ 1
SEB81 Variable Resistor 1MΩ 1
SEB13 Zener Diode Module 5.1V 1
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